D.R. Joseph, Inc

InstaGauge™ Thickness Measuring Device (TMD) Fault Reference Chart

Kundig K-300 Faults

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Gauge Head Specific Flags

Parameter Setting or Thickness Measuring Unit is defective.

Solution: Replace the Head/Measuring Electronics

Reference Frequency < 395 kHz (WH) or 394 kHz (all other OEMs)

Solution: Clean Head

Reference Frequency < 395 kHz (WH) or 394 kHz (all other OEMs)

Solution: Clean Inside Head’s Groove (Toothpick or Toothbrush)

Thickness Measuring Unit Defective

Solution: Check BNT Cable Connection; Replace Head/ME

Dongle is faulty or not connected between the Head/Measuring Electronics

Solution: Check Dongle Connection

Too Much Film Flutter

Solution: Increase Penetration Depth


Penetration Depth Too Much

Solution: Decrease Penetration Depth

Using WebGUI: OVERVIEW/THICKNESS GAUGE/System, the issue will show FF00 or similar, whereas a properly Communicating CAN Node will show 0507 or similar

Solution: Check CAN Cable Connections; Perform CAN Bus Checks

Radial Specific Flags

Radial Not finding the Rear Limit

Solution: Is the Rear Limit LED Continuously Flashing (faulty – replace) Check LEDs on E-1222 Radial PCB; Replace E-1322

Solution: Requires Minimum 40mm Retract Distance; Is the Bubble Diameter too Big? Die Centered? (Bubble Eccentricity – 10mm Tolerance) Check/Clean Bubble Sensor

Bubble Break or too much Flutter

Solution: Increase Penetration

No Communication to Control System

Solution: Re-Install VDP Software.

Solution: Clean/Replace Ultra Sonic Sensor; Confirm proper LED activity; Possible VDP Software Mis-Match w/ E-1322 – Reload GC Latest

Using WebGUI: OVERVIEW/THICKNESS GAUGE/System, the issue will show FF00 or similar, whereas a properly Communicating CAN Node will show 0507 or similar

Solution: Check CAN Cable Connections; Perform CAN Bus Checks

Rotation Specific Flags

Zero Position Detection Earlier than Expected

Solution: Possible Faulty Zero Position Sensor; Faulty Rotation PCB; False Flag Detection

Zero Position Detection Longer than Expected

Solution: Possible Hindrance; Toothbelt Slippage; Traveler Bearings Worn; Motor and/or SMC Not Functional; Ensure Zero Position Sensor is Clean and 1 to 2 mm gap

Zero Position Detection Low

Solution: Ensure the Track Size per WebGUI Matches Actual; Ensure Zero Position Sensor is Clean and 1 to 2mm gap

Motorized Traveler is Detected to Not Be Moving

Solution: Possible Faulty Rotation SMC; Faulty Motor; Faulty Large Cable Chain (CAN Cable). Motorized Traveler Mounted Limit Switch Lever Jammed

‘ ‘Enable Signal’ is Missing – Valid only for W&H

Solution: Check for the 24 Volt ‘Enable’ Signal – Pin 2 on X59 (WH PC –> Control Box); Check for the ‘Release’ Signal on the WebGUI; CPU H7 Indicates ‘Active’

Using WebGUI: OVERVIEW/THICKNESS GAUGE/System, the issue will show FF00 or similar, whereas a properly Communicating CAN Node will show 0507 or similar

Solution: Check CAN Cable Connections; Perform CAN Bus Checks